AllocationDynamic Asset Allocation

Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth

3Y Annualised


0.02% 1D

Fund Performance

Fund Multiplier

Fund Info

Peer Comparison

Fund Managers

AMC Details


1M Returns


0.02% 1D



Fund Multiplier

Time it would have taken to make your money double (2x), quadruple (4x) and quintuple (5x)

This Fund

8 years 6 months


6 years 4 months


9 years 7 months

Fund info

Fund size

₹1528.67 Cr

Min. SIP amount


Min. Lumpsum amount


Exit load


In respect of each purchase / switch-in of Units, 10% of the units (the limit) may be redeemed without any exit load from the date of allotment.Any redemption or switch-out in excess of the limit shall be subject to the following exit load: Exit load of 1.00% is payable if Units are redeemed / switched-out within 1 year from the date of allotment of units. No Exit Load is payable if Units are redeemed / switched-out after 1 year from the date of allotment.

Risk Profile

Moderate Risk

Fund Managers

About Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth

Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth is a Allocation mutual fund scheme from PPFAS Asset Management Pvt. Ltd. This fund has been in existence for 1 years, having been launched on 2024-02-20. Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth has ₹1528.67 Cr worth of assets under management (AUM) as of Wed Mar 12 2025. The latest Net Asset Value (NAV) of Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth as of Tue Mar 11 2025 is ₹10.8843. The fund has an expense ratio of 0.34%, which is medium comparable to most other Allocation funds.

Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth returns for the last 1 year are 8.48%. Since launch, it has delivered 8.37% average annual returns.

The Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth has the majority of its money invested in null, Energy, Consumer Defensive, Utilities, Financial Services sectors.

Top 5 Holdings of Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth.

  1. Future on Reliance Industries Ltd: 4.59%
  2. Reliance Industries Ltd: 4.57%
  3. Parag Parikh Liquid Dir Gr: 3.62%
  4. Coal India Ltd: 2.91%
  5. Petronet LNG Ltd: 2.72%

AMC Information

NamePPFAS Asset Management Pvt. Ltd
Founding Date2024-02-20
Phone+91 22 61406555
AddressPPFAS Asset Management Pvt. Ltd.,Great Western Building, 1st Floor,,130/132, S.B.S. Marg, Opp. Lion Gate,,Fort,

Tax Implications of Parag Parikh Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth

Short Term GainsIncome tax rate applicable to the Unitholders as per their income slabs.
Long Term GainsIncome tax rate applicable to the Unitholders as per their income slabs.

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