Present Value Calculator

The Present Value (PV) Calculator helps users estimate the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a specified rate of return. It is useful for comparing the value of money received in the future to its value today.

Calculate your Present Value

annual deposit (₹)
time period (years)
annual rate of interest (%)7.1



Maturity Value


Estimated Returns



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What do you mean by 'Present Value'?

Present value is the amount of money you would need to invest today to earn a specific amount of money in the future, given a certain interest rate. It is a way to compare the value of money at different times, considering the time value of money.

What is the Present Value Calculator?

A present value calculator or simply pv calculator is a tool that helps you calculate the present value of future cash flows. It takes into account the future value, interest rate, and time period to determine the current worth of an investment, loan, or annuity.

How does the Present Value calculator work?

A present value calculator uses a mathematical formula, typically the discounted cash flow (DCF) method, to discount the future value back to its current value. The DCF method considers the time value of money and the opportunity cost of capital to determine the present value of future cash flows.

How to use the Stack Wealth Present Value Calculator

To use the Stack Wealth Present Value Calculator, enter the future value, interest rate, and time period into the designated fields. The present value calculator will then calculate and display the present value.

Benifits of the Present Value Calculator

Benefits of a Present Value Calculator:

  • Financial Planning: A present value calculator can help individuals and businesses plan for future investments and expenses by understanding their current value in today's terms.

  • Informed Decision-Making: A present value calculator can help users make informed financial decisions by evaluating the current worth of future cash flows. This can be helpful when choosing investments or making loan decisions.

  • Time Efficiency: A present value calculator can provide quick and accurate present value calculations, saving time and effort in complex financial analyses.

  • Risk Assessment: A present value calculator can help users assess the risks associated with future cash flows. This can be helpful in risk management and strategic financial planning.

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