opp iconLet's Go Global

Capture the growth of global superpowers

A portfolio that offers an opportunity for international diversification. Invest in some of the leading global businesses, the cream of the crop names from America to Asia to Eastern Europe and beyond.

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introducing: Let's Go Global

The Let’s Go Global portfolio is a way to gain exposure to the Global equity market including the US, developed market ex-US and the developing market. Capture the growth of well-established blue-chip companies listed on the US stock exchange, along with exposure to the 100 largest globally leading non-financial companies listed on the NASDAQ-100. The portfolio also invests in companies from the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan ("Greater China").

investment strategy

The portfolio invests in blue-chip companies selected mainly from the universe of S&P 500, NASDAQ-100, US blue-chip and companies listed in JPMorgan Funds – Greater China Fund. The Scheme may invest in companies that are global leaders and renowned brands which may also have a presence in India but are not listed on Indian stock exchanges.


Combination of both top-down and bottom-up approaches without any sector preference, companies with sustainable competitive advantages over their peers.


Tapping into some themes/opportunities of the future that are rarely available in domestic markets.


Focus on high-conviction stocks selecting companies with higher return on equity and lower debt.


Invest in companies that are global leaders and renowned brands which may also have a presence in India but are not listed on Indian stock exchanges.

What you are investing in


Top global brands listed on the S&P 500 like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Google, Netflix, Nike, Starbucks, McDonald's, PayPal, JP Morgan, Blackrock.


Capture China's best quality growth opportunities with companies focused on technology, carbon neutrality and consumption.


Globally leading companies that maintain dominant positions in the market.


Companies that have a minimum market capitalization of US$ 4 bn.

historical performance in global markets

Over the past 3, 5 and 10 years, most international funds, especially those that focus on well-established US brands have outperformed benchmark indices. The fund is benchmarked against the NIFTY 50 TRI, S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100.

Let's Go Global-benchmark

Let's Go Global: pros & cons

  • International diversification benefits.
  • Potential to generate attractive returns over the long term.
  • These funds usually have low expense ratios.
  • There can be periods of volatility.
  • Higher risk than usual.
  • You are exposed to currency risk.

annualized past returns

The investment objective of this portfolio is to provide the investor with the opportunity for long-term capital appreciation by investing in an internationally diversified portfolio.

risk rating

Very High


who should invest in this

Investors who are willing to take on moderate to high risk and have a long-term investment horizon may consider investing in international funds. International funds are typically best suited for investors who are looking to invest for the long term, at least 7+ years. International funds are more volatile than domestic funds, so investors should be willing to accept some risk in order to potentially achieve higher returns. Investors should have a basic understanding of international markets and the factors that can affect their performance.



18-40 years

Risk Profile


Investment Horizon

7+ Years

Returns Expectations

Long-term Capital appreciation.

Ideal Financial goals

Saving for a child's education, acquiring a second home.


current holdings

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Ultimate Value

5+ Years investment horizon


3 year CAGR



A long-term investment strategy that invests in undervalued companies with solid fundamentals.

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Factor Focused

3+ Years investment horizon


5 year CAGR



Ideal for quant geeks, this portfolio employs attributes like low volatility and high momentum, capturing distinct risk-return profiles in stocks.

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