What is a Folio Number?

28 Jan 20256 minutes read
What is a Folio Number?

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Folio Number Overview

Relevance of Folio Number in Mutual Fund Investment

Advantages of Using the Folio Number System 

How to Check the Mutual Fund Status With Folio Number

Can Individuals Have More Than One Valid Folio Number?


When you invest in mutual funds, you are assigned a unique folio number. This number helps track your investments and simplifies managing your mutual fund accounts. This blog will explain what a folio number is, why it’s important, how to check your mutual fund status using it, and whether you can have more than one folio number. 

Folio Number Overview

A folio number is a unique identifier assigned to each investor when they invest in a mutual fund. It helps track all the transactions related to that particular investment, such as the number of units purchased, the amount invested, and the performance of the fund. It’s similar to an account number but is specifically used for mutual fund investments.

Each mutual fund company assigns a folio number to an investor’s account. Once you start investing, your folio number becomes the key to all future dealings with that particular fund.

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Relevance of Folio Number in Mutual Fund Investment

A folio number is essential for every mutual fund investor as it acts as a unique identifier for their investments. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Unique Identifier: The folio number is a unique ID assigned to your mutual fund investments, helping to track all your transactions and holdings in one place.
  • Tracking Investments: It helps in tracking all your mutual fund investments, whether you have invested in one scheme or multiple schemes with the same fund house.
  • Simplifies Transactions: Every time you buy or sell units, the folio number ensures the correct amount is credited or debited from your account.
  • Access to Reports: The folio number is essential when accessing account statements, performance reports, and transaction history for your investments.
  • Easy Communication: If you need to contact the fund house for any queries or assistance, you will be asked to provide your folio number for quicker and accurate service.
  • Consolidates Investments: If you invest in different schemes with the same fund house, the folio number ensures that all your investments are organized and managed together.
  • Efficiency: The folio number streamlines the management of your mutual fund investments, making the entire process simpler and more efficient.

Advantages of Using the Folio Number System 

Using a folio number system has several advantages for investors:

1. Simplifies Investment Tracking

The folio number helps organise all your mutual fund transactions in one place, making tracking and managing multiple investments easy.

2. Efficient Communication

When you have queries or need assistance from the fund house, the folio number allows for quicker and more accurate communication.

3. Centralised Record Keeping

All your transactions, performance, and reports are linked to a single folio number, allowing for easy access to detailed investment information.

4. No Need for Multiple Accounts

You can use the same folio number for multiple schemes within the same fund house, preventing confusion and improving management.

5. Helps in Claiming Returns

The folio number simplifies the process of claiming dividends, capital gains, or returns on your investments.

6. Prevents Duplicate Accounts

The folio number ensures there are no duplicate accounts created with the same fund house, eliminating errors and ensuring proper tracking.

How to Check the Mutual Fund Status With Folio Number

Checking the status of your mutual fund investments with a folio number is simple. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Online Portals

  • Most mutual fund houses have online portals where you can log in using your folio number. 
  • Once logged in, you can check the status of your investments, including the value of your holdings.

2. Mobile Apps

  • Many fund houses and third-party apps provide the option to track your investments using the folio number.
  •  Simply download the app and enter your folio number to view the details.

3. Contact the Fund House

You can also contact the fund house’s customer service, provide your folio number, and request the status of your investments.

4. Consolidated Account Statement

  • Mutual fund houses send account statements periodically. 
  • You can check your investment status and transaction history by reviewing this statement.

Also Read: What is CAGR in Mutual Funds: Calculation and Advantages

Can Individuals Have More Than One Valid Folio Number?

Yes, individuals can have more than one valid folio number. This happens when a person invests in mutual funds with different fund houses or even within the same fund house but in multiple schemes. Each time you invest in a new scheme or a different mutual fund company, a new folio number will be assigned to your account.

For example, if you invest in two schemes of the same fund house, each scheme will have its own folio number. Similarly, if you invest in funds from different fund houses, each house will give you a separate folio number.

Having multiple folio numbers is common, especially when an investor has diverse investments across different funds or multiple schemes in the same fund house. It helps in managing and organising these investments separately.

However, managing multiple folio numbers can sometimes be a bit challenging. Investors should keep track of all their folio numbers to monitor their investments and avoid confusion. It is important to remember that even if multiple folio numbers are involved, they are all linked to your individual identity as an investor.


In conclusion, the folio number is a vital part of managing your mutual fund investments. It helps you track your investments, simplifies communication with fund houses, and keeps all your transactions in one place. Whether you are new to mutual fund investing or have been investing for years, understanding how to use and manage your folio number can make your investment journey much easier. If you have multiple folio numbers, it’s worth considering consolidating them for better management.

Dhakchanamoorthy S

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