Save on paying taxes on your annual Income by investing up to ₹1,50,000/- annually in Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) / Tax Saver Funds. And while doing this, generate handsome long-term returns by staying invested for 3+ years.
What you are investing in
- Fundamentally strong companies with growth drivers in the medium to long-term
- Companies with solid management with an ability to capitalize on opportunities while managing risks
- A significant focus on firms with a track record of corporate governance, ESG sensitivity and transparency.
Investment strategy
1. Emphasis on Valuation for Safety
Prioritizing valuation methods to establish a prudent margin of safety in the investment process.
2. Holistic, Long-Term Stock Selection
Implementing a thorough valuation strategy that goes beyond traditional metrics, with a focus on selecting stocks for the long term.
Pros & Cons of ELSS Tax Saver:
Who should invest in this
This portfolio is best suited for investors who are looking to avail benefits U/s 80C have a long investment horizon, are comfortable with some risk, and are looking to generate long-term returns.