Gold Mutual Fund Stacks

Hedge your portfolio against inflation by investing in high grade gold commodities.

Index FundsLow-Risk
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Why Invest in Gold Mutual Fund Stacks

Commodities that Provide Diversification

as their price movements are less correlated to equities.

Generate Returns that are in Line

with the performance of physical silver & gold in domestic prices as derived from the LBMA AM fixing prices.

Enables Investors to Park their Excess Funds

safely for long periods of time. This portfolio aims to invest in 99.5% purity gold bullion.

All About Gold Mutual Funds

Table of Contents

Gold Mutual FundsFeatures of Gold Mutual FundsList of Best Gold Mutual FundsWho Should Invest in Gold Funds?Advantages of Investing in Gold FundRisks of Gold FundsHow to Start Investing in Gold Funds?Taxation on Gold FundsFactors to Consider While Investing in Gold Funds

Gold Mutual Funds

Gold mutual funds have gained popularity among Indian investors as an attractive alternative to holding physical gold. These funds invest in gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and offer a convenient way to add gold exposure to your investment portfolio without the hassles of storage or security.

Features of Gold Mutual Funds

  1. Gold mutual funds invest in gold ETFs backed by physical gold. The value of the fund depends on gold's market price movements.
  2. They provide portfolio diversification as gold often moves inversely to equity markets, acting as a hedge during market volatility.
  3. Like other mutual funds, you can quickly redeem your units without worrying about physical gold storage.
  4. Most gold funds allow investments with a low minimum amount, making them accessible for small investors.

List of Best Gold Mutual Funds

When choosing the best gold mutual fund, consider past performance, fund house reputation, and expense ratio. Some of the best-performing gold funds in India include:

Gold Mutual Funds

Minimum Investment

5Y Returns

Axis Gold Fund



SBI Gold Fund



HDFC Gold Fund



Invesco India Gold ETF FoF



Aditya Birla Sun Life Gold Fund



ICICI Prudential Regular Gold Savings Fund (FOF)



Quantum Gold Savings Fund



Kotak Gold Fund



Nippon India Gold Savings Fund



Who Should Invest in Gold Funds?

Gold funds are ideal for:

  1. Conservative investors who are looking for a safe-haven asset during market volatility.
  2. Diversification seekers who want to balance their equity-heavy portfolios.
  3. Long-term investors who believe in the long-term appreciation of gold prices.
  4. Small investors who cannot afford to buy large amounts of physical gold but want exposure to gold as an asset class.

Advantages of Investing in Gold Fund

The advantages of investing in gold funds are as follows:

  1. Hassle-Free Investment: Unlike physical gold, you don’t need to worry about storage, purity, or theft when investing in gold funds.
  2. Easy Liquidity: Gold mutual funds can be redeemed easily, providing liquidity when needed.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Gold typically performs well during inflationary periods or stock market downturns, providing stability to your portfolio.
  4. No Risk of Making Charges: Physical gold comes with making charges and other costs, which are not applicable when investing through gold mutual funds.

Risks of Gold Funds

Below are the risks of investing in gold funds:

  1. Market Risk: The price of gold is influenced by global economic factors, and a price drop could negatively impact your investment.
  2. Currency Fluctuations: Since gold is traded internationally in US dollars, any fluctuations in the value of the Indian rupee against the dollar can impact returns.
  3. No Regular Income: Unlike equity or debt funds, gold funds do not offer regular dividends or interest income, making them unsuitable for income-focused investors.

How to Start Investing in Gold Funds?

  1. Choose a Fund: Research various gold mutual funds based on performance, expense ratio, and fund house reputation.
  2. KYC Compliance: Complete your Know Your Customer (KYC) process by submitting documents like PAN, Aadhaar, and bank details.
  3. Invest through SIP or Lumpsum: You can invest in gold funds through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) or lump sum investments.
  4. Monitor Performance: Regularly track your fund’s performance and make adjustments as per your investment goals.

Taxation on Gold Funds

Gold funds are treated as non-equity mutual funds for taxation purposes. The tax treatment is as follows:

  1. Short-Term Capital Gains (STCG): If you sell your gold fund units within two years, the gains will be included to your income and taxed as per your income tax slab.
  2. Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG): If you sell your units after three years, the gains will be taxed at 12.5% with indexation benefits.

Factors to Consider While Investing in Gold Funds

  1. Gold Price Movements: Gold funds are directly affected by fluctuations in the global gold market. Investors need to consider the potential for short-term volatility.
  2. Expense Ratio: While gold mutual funds offer easy access to gold, their expense ratios can impact your returns. Always compare the fees charged by different funds.
  3. Investment Horizon: Gold funds are better suited for long-term investors as gold prices can be volatile in the short term.
  4. Taxation: Understand the taxation rules on capital gains before investing, as it affects your net returns.

Gold mutual funds provide an efficient way to invest in gold without the complications of buying and storing physical gold. These funds are suitable for investors looking for diversification and a hedge against market volatility. However, it’s essential to consider factors like expense ratios, gold price volatility, and taxation before investing. With the right approach, gold funds can add value to your investment strategy.

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